Monday 7 November 2011

Long overdue blog

Hi everyone
The almost 3 week absence wasn't a result of me doing some intensive altitude training somewhere hot-maybe soon! No I seem to have been plagued lately-firstly by injury to my foot which kept me out for 2 weeks and just as it was starting to come around and I was able to run on astroturf-and feeling good-I have been struck down by flu and chest infection-knocked me for six-off for a full week from work and only firing on about 1 cylinder yet-so I wish I could tell you I was now cruising at 12 miles regualarly but the old system has taken a battering. Hopefully another week finish up  my medicaiton etc, plenty of rest and maybe by next weekend I can try a little jog....keep you posted. The faith is still strong however..and I WILL be ready for April 22.
Donations still most welcome:)